Cloud computing: AWS

AWS Architecture Automation and Infrastructure Deployment

Stop Paying $3.75 Per Month for a Public IPv4 Address on AWS (Starting Feb 1, 2024)

IPv4 vs IPv6 Changes from AWS: Will Your Service Be Impacted?

Using AWS Like A Pro: Best Practices From Solutions Architects


Install a web server on your EC2 instance

Automating an Apache web server with an Amazon EC2 instance: A step-by-step guide


AWS series : AWS S3 programming with Java client


How to Test Load Balancing


Boto3: AWS SDK for Python

AWS series : AWS S3 programming with Java client

AWS S3 with Java

AWS Step Functions

Callbacks with AWS Step Functions



Caratteristiche di AWS IoT Core
AWS IoT Core è una piattaforma che consente di connettere dispositivi ai servizi AWS o ad altri dispositivi, proteggere dati e interazioni, elaborare ed eseguire azioni sui dati dei dispositivi, abilitare le interazioni tra applicazioni e dispositivi anche quando sono offline e di conseguenza produrre dispositivi low-cost con Alexa integrato.

AWS IoT Core: device shadow

Con AWS IoT Core è possibile creare versioni virtuali e persistenti dei dispositivi, chiamate “shadow” dei dispositivi (versioni ombra), che includono l’ultimo stato noto del dispositivo, consentendo ad applicazioni e altri dispositivi di leggerne i messaggi e interagire con esso. La shadow dei dispositivi conserva l’ultimo stato noto e lo stato futuro impostato per ciascun dispositivo anche quando è offline. Per recuperare l’ultimo stato noto di un dispositivo o impostare uno stato futuro, è possibile usare l’API o il motore di regole.

La shadow dei dispositivi semplifica la creazione di applicazioni che interagiscono con i dispositivi perché fornisce sempre API REST disponibili. Inoltre, le applicazioni possono impostare uno stato futuro per un dispositivo indipendentemente dal suo stato corrente. AWS IoT Core confronterà lo stato futuro con l’ultimo stato noto e imporrà al dispositivo di aggiornarsi. Il kit Device SDK di AWS IoT semplifica la sincronizzazione dello stato tra dispositivi e shadow e l’impostazione di stati futuri.

Use a Raspberry Pi to communicate with Amazon AWS IoT

AWS Greengrass

AWS Greengrass is a software that extends AWS Cloud capabilities to local devices, making it possible for those devices to collect and analyze data closer to the source of information, while also securely communicating with each other on local networks.

AWS Greengrass core is the runtime that enables local execution of AWS Lambda, messaging, device shadows, security and interacts directly with the cloud.
Any device that uses IoT device SDK can be configured to interact with Greengrass core via the local network.
AWS Greengrass ensures fast response to local servers without transfer latency. It operates offline and synchs the data on a real-time basis. This results in buffering and pooling of messages when there is no Internet connection.

What is AWS IoT Greengrass? – Amazon AWS documentation

AWS Greengrass protects user data through the secure authentication and authorization of devices. Through secure connectivity in the local network. Between local devices and the cloud. Device security credentials function in a group until they are revoked, even if connectivity to the cloud is disrupted, so that the devices can continue to securely communicate locally.

  • A) — Greengrass service role: A customer-created IAM role that allows AWS Greengrass access to your AWS IoT and Lambda resources.
  • B) — Core device certificate: An X.509 certificate used to authenticate an AWS Greengrass core.
  • C) — Device certificate: An X.509 certificate used to authenticate an AWS IoT device.
  • D) — Group role: A role assumed by AWS Greengrass when calling into the cloud from a Lambda function on an AWS Greengrass core.
  • E) — Group CA: A root CA certificate used by AWS Greengrass devices to validate the certificate presented by an AWS Greengrass core device during TLS mutual authentication.

IoT Systems and AWS Greengrass: Bringing SenseQ To the Edge

Connecting Operational Technology to AWS Using the EXOR eXware707T Field Gateway

Automatically starting AWS Greengrass on a Raspberry Pi on system boot

Use case: Capturing your dinner, a deep learning story II

Bridging the IoT Computing Gap: Edge Compute, IoT Gateways, and AWS
At AWS re: Invent in November 2017, Cisco brought a demo that showcased an industrial IoT environment with distributed assets being remotely monitored, performing data extraction, and being controlled from a service running on AWS.


The presented system extracted data from an asset with a Cisco IoT gateway executing AWS Lambda microservices that were developed on AWS. To accomplish this use case, Cisco and AWS enabled AWS Greengrass core in a secure container, hosted in a Cisco IoT gateway. Cisco IoT gateways were enabled with the Cisco Kinetic IoT platform that combined, provide:

  • Secure zero-touch deployment and simplified cloud management of IoT gateways
  • Enforcement of data distribution policies on the network
  • Seamless interoperability between AWS IoT and the Cisco edge compute platform

Moodle installation in AWS EC2