Raspberry Pi and Amazon Alexa Voice Services

Amazon AVS setup on a Raspberry Pi

Setting Up Alexa on Rpi (Medium)

Raspberry Pi: tutorial su Alexa

Setup a Raspberry Pi to work with Amazon Alexa (Amazon docs)

Alexa Smart Screen SDKRaspberry Pi Quick Start Guide (Amazon docs) (code on GitHub)

Set Up the AVS Device SDK on Raspberry Pi

Prototype with the SDK and a Raspberry Pi

Talk with Alexa

Alexa to control a Raspberry Pi

Controlling Raspberry Pi Using Alexa

Controlling LEDs on Raspberry Pi using Voice with Amazon Echo

Triggering a Raspberry Pi Camera with Alexa

Voice controlled Home automation using Amazon Alexa on Raspberry Pi

Alexa Smart Home on a Raspberry Pi

AWShome – Home Automation Using RPi + Alexa + IoT
Easily and INEXPENSIVELY control a bunch of outlets using your voice!
Code on Github

Alexa media player project on GitHub
This is a custom component to allow control of Amazon Alexa devices in Homeassistant using the unofficial Alexa API.

Creating an Interactive Voice Experience with Amazon Alexa

Code on GitHub